Term Dates
Our Mission, Vision and Values
Student Charter
Student Services
Support into Employment
Wolves WorkBox
English, Maths and Digital Skills
Fees, Payments and Refunds
Keeping Safe
Mental Health and Wellbeing
How to contact your Safeguarding Team
Reflection Zone
Health and Safety
Keeping Safe when using a Computer
Student ICT Accounts
Data Protection
Wolverhampton Library
Learning Clubs
Equality and Diversity
Menopause Matters
Period Poverty
Attendance and Punctuality
Marking, Assessment and Exams
Your Views
Key Contacts
Keeping Connected
Our Mission, Vision and Values

Our Mission
To make a positive difference to the lives of individuals and communities through high quality learning that inspires, challenges and leads to further learning and employment.

Our Vision
Through education, we will transform the lives of Wolverhampton residents raising their aspirations and promoting their prosperity. Our opportunities will inspire people of all ages to invest in lifelong learning. The student experience will be outstanding, promoting personal development, building confidence and meeting ambition. Students will study in an exceptional environment where safety, equity, fairness, and inclusivity are top priority. Enrichment opportunities will enhance learning and develop positive civic values and behaviours.

Our Council Values


maintaining the highest standards of service and conduct always


for our students, communities, our environment, and each other


doing the right thing; being honest, trustworthy, ethical, and fair


learning from and valuing the diversity that our students, our communities, and our staff bring to the Service


striving to achieve consistently high standards and to exceed the expectations of our students and other stakeholders


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