Term Dates
Our Mission, Vision and Values
Student Charter
Student Services
Support into Employment
Wolves WorkBox
English, Maths and Digital Skills
Fees, Payments and Refunds
Keeping Safe
Mental Health and Wellbeing
How to contact your Safeguarding Team
Reflection Zone
Health and Safety
Keeping Safe when using a Computer
Student ICT Accounts
Data Protection
Wolverhampton Library
Learning Clubs
Equality and Diversity
Menopause Matters
Period Poverty
Attendance and Punctuality
Marking, Assessment and Exams
Your Views
Key Contacts
Keeping Connected
Health and Safety

Help us keep you safe by following any AEW safety advice. Up-to-date information will be available on our website, at reception or from your teacher.

Fire alarm: If you hear a fire alarm, follow instructions given by your teacher and our Fire Marshals.

If you would find it difficult to get out of a building quickly in an emergency, you will need to speak to your teacher. They will complete
a Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP) with you.

If an accident happens or you see something that could cause
an accident, tell your teacher quickly.

Do not smoke or vape in our buildings.

Lockdown: If we need to lock down the buildings for your safety, you will be alerted by the announcement “Lockdown” which will be transmitted through the speakers located throughout the site. If you hear this, it is important that you follow the basic stay safe principles RUN>HIDE>TELL:

  • if you are NOT in a classroom, RUN to a safe place
  • if you are in a classroom, HIDE. Turn your phone to silent and turn off vibrate. Barricade yourself in, if you can. Then finally and only when it is safe to do so….
  • TELL the police by calling 999
    Do not move from your location until told to do so by a member of staff.

If you have any questions about health and safety or you would like more information, call our Site Services Team 01902 558175 or email enquiries@aes.wolverhampton.gov.uk


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